
17号的时候亚马逊广告系统又出大乱子,卖家设置了100美金的单日预算,没有想到系统会扣费超出几倍的预算,有的卖家欲哭无泪设置了100美金的预算,竟然跑出了5000美金的效果……小编都惊呆了,这年头没有些真金白银你连广告都烧不起,个个玩的都那么猛了吗?昨天亚马逊终于就这件事淡定的回复了,邮件内容过长,不想看的请直接往下翻。Greetings from Amazon Seller Support,I


Greetings from Amazon Seller Support,

I am Rahul and I will be assisting you today.

At the outset, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused to you in this matter.

We contacted the internal team and they have mentioned that we were experiencing an issue in which your campaigns were not reflecting the correct status of out of budget and there are multiple sellers whose campaigns spend value has exceeded the daily budget on Jan 17, 2019.

The issue is now resolved, however we are requesting the sellers to wait till Jan 31, 2019 for any refund as per the below functionality.

We calculate the monthly budget (Dailybudget of each campaign X 30 days) and if your Sponsored Products account has been charged more than your monthly budget, we will credit your account with the amount that exceeds your monthly budget.

This means that although, you set daily budget for your campaigns, as per functionality, Sponsored Products uses the pro-rated daily budget, which you designate for each campaign to calculate a monthly campaign budget.

For example, if you set your daily budget to $100, Amazon will consider the monthly budget as $31,00 (100X 30 days) and will deliver up to $3,100 worth of clicks in that calendar month, assuming you start your campaign on the first day of a 31-day month. However, on any given day you could spend less or more than your average daily budget. For example, if your budget is $100 and you receive $90 worth of clicks on the first day, you could receive up to $110 worth of clicks on the second day. This would bring your total spend over two days to $200, which averages to $100 per day.

Help link: https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 7INZ4

When there is huge traffic for your ad and a large number of shoppers interested in your advertised products, we allow the ads to run so that there are more chances of the purchase being made, thus the spend value varies by date.

At the end of the month we check for the overall spend value and budget and if the spend has exceeded, a refund will be automatically be issued by Jan 31, 2019. You can check the refunds issued for advertising under Reports > Payments > Advertising Invoice History.

I have forwarded the campaign and case details to our internal team.

*****Thus, I request you to wait till Jan 31, 2019 to check the accurate data and by Jan 31, 2019 if you have still find that the spend is higher than your overall budget ( including the budget changes made - if any) and if the refund is not issued in your Advertising Invoice History Page, please do let us know we'll be glad to correct it for you.

Rest assured that we will prevent you from bearing any kind of loss.

Please do let us know if you have any further concerns on this case.

I appreciate your understanding. Have a nice day!

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