
  • 2022年10月24日 16:57
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随着跨境电商的迅速发展,行业的规范也不断得到补充,亚马逊就是一个十分注重客户体验的平台,当买家不满意第三方卖家销售的商品或服务时,买家可以发起亚马逊商城交易保障索赔(Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee claim)(简称“A-to-Z”或“A-to-Z索赔”),保护自己的利益。当卖家收到起诉时如何进行申诉呢?亚马逊az申诉范文怎么写?亚马逊az申诉模板

一旦A-to-Z索赔成立,会影响卖家的绩效指标中的订单缺陷率以及完美订单的分数,对卖家的负面影响是显而易见的。假如卖家成交的订单本来就不多,就可更要小心了,可能会因为存在一两个A -to-Z,帐号会有被审核、冻结,甚至被关闭的风险。这里给出一份申诉范文进行参考:

Dear Buyer,

Thank you for contacting us about the problem of your recent order. Hopefully we have fully resolved your issue. If you think the problem is now solved and would like to withdraw the A-to-z Claim, which you filed eariler on this order__________(订单ID), we would greatly appreciate it.

Here are the steps to withdraw your A-to-z claim in the orders section of Your Account.

To withdraw a claim for purchases made on

Go to Your Orders

Locate your order in the list and click Order Details. If the order has already shipped, click Withdraw claim under Problem with this order? on the order summary page. Follow the prompts to explain the withdrawal and click Withdraw claim to complete the request. We hope you have a pleasant day, thank you for shopping at __________(这放店铺名). Yours sincerely, _______(店铺名)

Customer Service Team