



所以,今天我不想和大家聊获取review的方法,这些之前聊太多了,今天主要想和大家讲一下亚马逊后台关于review的guidelines和Terms of Service, 也就是亚马逊关于review的所有官方规定,想必这一块关注的卖家也很少,很多人都是脑子里面有一些概念,什么能做,什么不能做,这些概念都是来源于一些公众号或者口耳相传经验之谈,其实这些都是非常不准确的,亚马逊后台规则具体是怎么样的,其实很少人去关注,这样其实是不对的!


另一个目的就是亚马逊坚决禁止我们做的一些条款下面,我们用力去研究,反而就是我们可以去突破的点,也是黑科技的来源。举个例子大家就明白了,我们之前做SEO的时候,去国外参加Google举办的大会,同行的有莆田的哥们,我们在聊一般去大会听什么,按照正常人的逻辑都是去听官方未来的方向,政策聚焦点等等这些。但是呢,莆田哥们从来不看这些,他们只看Google官方严厉禁止的一些条款,类似亚马逊的seller prohibited activity,越不让做的,越往死里研究,这就是所谓黑科技的源头所在了。

Amazon encourages buyers to review the products they like and dislike to help customers make informed decisions about the products they purchase.

For answers to common questions about customer product reviews, see Answers to questions about product reviews.

To ensure that reviews remain helpful, sellers must comply with our Community Guidelines. For example, you cannot offer compensation for a review, and you cannot review your own products or your competitors’ products. You can ask buyers to write a review, but you cannot ask for positive reviews or ask a reviewer to change or remove their review. If you believe a review does not comply with our Community Guidelines, click on the Report Abuse link next to the review. As sellers and manufacturers, you are not allowed to review your own products, nor are you allowed to negatively review a competitor’s product.

Inappropriate product reviews

The following are examples of prohibited activities. This is not an all-inclusive list.

●A seller posts a review of their own product or their competitor’s product either in their own name or as an unbiased buyer.

●A seller offers a third party a financial reward, discount, or other compensation in exchange for a review on their product or their competitor’s product. This includes services that sell customer reviews and websites or social media groups with implicit or explicit agreements or expectations that an incentive is contingent on customers leaving a review.

●A seller offers to provide a refund or reimbursement after the buyer writes a review (including reimbursement via a non-Amazon payment method).

●A seller uses a third-party service that offers free or discounted products tied to a review (for example, a review club that requires customers to register their Amazon public profile so that sellers may monitor their reviews).

●A family member or employee of the seller posts a review of the seller’s product or a competitor’s product.

●A seller offers a refund or other compensation to a reviewer in exchange for changing or removing their review.

●A seller only asks for reviews from buyers who had a positive experience and attempts to divert buyers who had a negative experience to a different feedback mechanism. This includes cases where the customer proactively reaches out to the seller to express satisfaction with their products.

●A seller creates a variation relationship between products that are not actually related to each other in order to boost a product’s star rating.

●A seller inserts a request for a positive Amazon review or an incentive in exchange for a review into product packaging.

●A seller manipulates the ‘Helpful’, ‘Not Helpful’, or ‘Report Abuse’ features on any review on his or his competitor’s products.

Note: References to ‘seller’ here includes all the seller’s employees and third party partners.

You can ask for reviews from customers who purchased your products off Amazon. However, note that all the customer reviews policies apply to these reviews as well.

Note: Violation of our policies may also violate applicable laws, which can lead to legal action and civil and criminal penalties. If you violate our policies, we may disclose your name and other related information publicly and to civil or criminal enforcement authorities.

We encourage you to monitor reviews regularly and reach out to customers to resolve product or service issues. However, you cannot ask customers to change or remove their review, even after an issue is resolved. Also, you can reach out to customers by replying to their review on the product detail page and asking them to contact you through Buyer-Seller Messaging to resolve their issues. You cannot reach out to buyers via other means.


1–“Amazon encourages buyers to review the products they like and dislike…”


2–“You can ask buyers to write a review…but you cannot ask for positive reviews or ask a reviewer to change or remove their review.”



1.Here are some examples of things you may NOT say when requesting a product review: 不可以在站内信里面用的语句

“Will you please leave a positive review?” “Please leave a 5-star review.” “If you like our product, please leave a review.” “If anything went wrong with your order, please contact us so we can help. However, if everything went well, please leave a product review.”

2.Here are some examples of things you may say instead  可以在站内信里面用的语句

“Will you please leave a product review?” “Please take a moment to leave a review.” “If you have had a chance to try our product, please leave a review.” “Please share your honest opinion of this product by leaving a review. [Include product review link.] Also, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us so we can help.”

3–“As sellers and manufacturers, you are not allowed to review your own products, nor are you allowed to negatively review a competitor’s product.”




4–“A seller offers a third party a financial reward, discount, or other compensation in exchange for a review on their product or their competitor’s product.”


5–“A seller offers to provide a refund or reimbursement after the buyer writes a review.”


6–“A seller only asks for reviews from buyers who had a positive experience and attempts to divert buyers who had a negative experience to a different feedback mechanism.”



7–“A seller creates a variation relationship between products that are not actually related to each other in order to boost a product’s star rating.”


8-“A seller inserts a request for a positive Amazon review or an incentive in exchange for a review into product packaging.”

这里说的是往产品里面放卡片的事情,亚马逊并没有说不能放卡片到产品里面去,而是说产品卡片不能够有任何诱导留评的内容,例如下图这种肯定是不合适的,这种只要被举报,一举报一个准,马上死的透透的!Image titleImage title

但是呢,你可以选择给他们一些小礼物或者一些小恩小惠,然后诱导他们去关注你的Facebook主页,Twitter 主页或者Facebook messenger等等,然后再去做留评或者放量的引导,虽然这样也是违规的,但是比直接把换评放在卡片上面要安全的多!例如大卖家泽宝这种模式的产品卡片,就会安全的很多:Image titleImage title

9-“A seller manipulates the ‘Helpful’, ‘Not Helpful’, or ‘Report Abuse’ features on any review on his or [her] competitor’s products.”

这一条主要是讲操纵点赞行为,以及report abuse的举报行为都是属于违规的。

10–“You can ask for reviews from customers who purchased your products off Amazon.”




11–“…you can reach out to customers by replying to their review on the product detail page and asking them to contact you through Buyer-Seller Messaging to resolve their issues. You cannot reach out to buyers via other means.”





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