近日,在美国最大在线论坛Reddit的亚马逊卖家板块上,出现了一条名为“让我们团结起来共抗虚假review刷单”的帖子,十几个小时之内就成为了该讨论区的最热门帖 ,小编一读之下不由得倒抽一口凉气!
So I have been wondering for a while how to deal with competitors of mine that have fake reviews. I have 1 category I am in with multiple ASINs that sell 100+ units a day. Competitors of mine have listings that sell 200+ units a day at much higher prices. About 50% of the top sellers in this category have fake reviews. If this 50% disappeared, I would FOR SURE see a noticeable increase in sales.
Below is roughly what I would propose:
1. Create a group of sellers that have legit reviews. There are at least 50 on here that are smart sellers that have made posts in the past calling out fake reviews with good proof - test buys, trademark searches, research that links multiple accounts together, etc.
2. Each time a legit seller in this group comes across a competitor with fake reviews, they would submit the proof to the group. The group of legit sellers would then report the seller with fake reviews. If the group of legit sellers has 200 sellers in it, that would be somewhere between 1-200 people that would report that seller. The number of reports being that high would do a couple things:
* It would force Amazon to spend time and resources researching each report.
* If one seller with fake reviews has a large number of reports, it would force Amazon to act.
1. 联合一帮诚信的卖家,形成一个小组。这个讨论区起码有50个以上聪明的卖家曾经发帖揭发过刷review的行为,并且提供了有力的证据(包括亲身购买测试,商标调查,买家账号关系调查等)。
2. 每当小组中有卖家发现自己的竞争对手刷review,可以将证据提交到小组中。如果证据确凿,情节严重,则全组买家就都去举报这个刷review的卖家。如果这个诚信卖家小组成员超过200个,那每当发现一个恶意刷review的卖家,它都会收到至少数十个举报,
a. 亚马逊接到此等数量的举报,会不得不花时间和精力去看
b. 如果某个恶意刷屏的卖家收到大量举报,亚马逊会不得不去调查该卖家
1. Yes, Amazon would eventually know that all these sellers are in 1 group and reporting fake reviews together. So what? It is not against TOS and on top of that Amazon would get extremely bad press if they took action against a group of sellers that reported fake reviews.
2. If I am in the group and another seller in the group posts a competitor that has fake reviews, why would I spend my time helping that seller? Because the group would have metrics that would need hit to stay in the group. Say the group was a reddit sub with posts. The only type of posts would be submissions of sellers with fake reviews and each seller in the group would need to report 80% of these and confirm that by replying to each post with an image of the report.
1. 如果亚马逊发现这个诚信卖家小组怎么办?亚马逊最终肯定会发现,可那又如何?这并不违反亚马逊服务条款。而且亚马逊如果对一个举报虚假review的诚信卖家小组做了什么不利的事情的话,对亚马逊也是一个负面新闻。
This is just a rough idea I've been thinking about for a while. The goal would be to keep the group extremely simple and to get some reports and then track data. If it worked well, then it would be easy to continue to streamline the group. I am confident if we had a group like this a higher up from Amazon would eventually reach out to the group with questions and be willing to work with us and listen to our concerns. I also know a couple reporters so if the goal of the group was to get some press, it would be pretty easy to do so. Just brainstorming some shit to see if other sellers would be interested in something like this. Feel free to shoot holes in the plan or tell me why it won't work.
Seen a good amount of people that would be interested reply here. I am sure we could easily get 100+ sellers to start and I would then plan on a % of them following through plus being able to add new ones. I don't have an exact plan on how the group would work. Others have recommended slack, telegram and discord. I am not familiar with discord and telegram and not 100% sure how Slack could work well for this. My rough idea was to just make a subrreddit where each posts would need certain proof and then the comment replies would be confirmations of reporting the sellers. EG - I make a post and offer proof of fake reviews for a seller. I then include the exact copy I used to report the seller. Most likely all reports would be made through the "report a violation" tool. Other sellers would see the post and also report it and then screenshot that and reply to the original post with that. The goal would be for every report to take as little time as possible - check post, click link, copy and paste, click report, screenshot, reply to post with screenshot.
例如:我发帖提供某个卖家刷虚假review的证据,并提供我用来举报该卖家的举报信,大多是亚马逊“report a violation”的截图。其他组里的卖家看帖后如果认为证据可信,就也举报该卖家并且在回帖中附上举报截图。这样做的最终目的是将举报虚假review流程化,降低时间成本。
At the end of the day, I believe this group would come across Amazon's radar (in a good way) and it could lead to some changes. Wouldn't surprise me if Amazon would roll out a similar program to vet honest sellers and allow them to use special reporting tools where the reports are more seriously looked at by Amazon.