大家在与买家沟通的时候 注意不要夸大疫情 以下话术供参考
We know that the spread of the coronavirus was a cause for concern. The
main epidemic situation is only in Wuhan, which is under control. China is
determined and capable of winning the battle against the coronavirus. We all
take it seriously and follow the government’s instructions to contain the spread
of the virus. We do believe that the situation will go better and better, and
will get restored soon.
We know that the spread of the coronavirus was a cause for concern. There
is no evidence to show that there is any virus within the package, and all
orders run through a lot of scanning before the package been sent out, and
before it arrives.
Affected by a novel coronavirus in Wuhan, our government announced it will
delay resumption of work to February 3rd, for some arears, it may continue to
February 9th. Your understanding and support will be highly appreciated.
4. 社交媒体与网上都在说中国现在疫情特别严重.
That is the fake news, thanks for helping prevent the spread of these
rumors if possible. We do believe, China's speed, scale and the efficiency of
response is rarely seen the world. Any other countries could not have controlled
like China. We do believe it will be restored soon.
答:Please refer to the official announcement of WHO and other
答:Dear customer, due to the extended Chinese Spring Festival most of our
staff are off their duty, so from Jan 19th PT to Feb 18th PT, you may see an
extension for the preparation period, cancellation time, dispute time and
estimated delivery time of orders. We are trying our best to deliver your order
as fast as possible. Appreciate your understanding.
答:Please note that there's no evidence indicating packages or their
contents carry any risks of virus. If you do not want to receive the order any
more, you can request to cancel it on order detail page. As for the unexpected
Coronavirus outbreak in China, please refer to the official announcement of WHO
and other authorities. And we are paying close attention to the situation and
will cooperate with AliExpress platform and relevant authorities.
答:Please note that the package of the order in transit and it could not be
canceled now. If you do not want it, you may try to return the package before
its acceptance; when the package was returned, you can contact AliExpress
service for a refund. Besides, please kindly be aware, there's no evidence
indicating packages or their contents carry any risks. We are paying close
attention to the situation and will cooperate with relevant authorities.
答:After opening a dispute, you are generally entitled to 14-day product
return period if the dispute fails. In this case, please be aware, you may need
to cover the returning shipping fees.
英语:About Novel Corona Virus Infection, the Chinese government is taking the
most powerful measures currently,and everything is under control. Life is normal
in most other parts of China by far, with only a few cities like Wuhan affected.
I believe it will all return to normal soon. Thanks for your concerns!
阿拉伯语:وفيما يتعلق بعدوى فيروس كورونا المستجد، تتخذ الحكومة الصينية الآن أقوى
التدابير الممكنة، وكل شيء تحت السيطرة. حتى الآن، أصبحت الحياة طبيعية في أغلب
أنحاء الصين، ولم يتأثر سوى عدد قليل من المدن مثل يوهان. وأعتقد أن كل شيء سيعود
إلى طبيعته قريب. شكرا لاهتمامكم!
德语:In bezug auf die neue form der infektion hat die chinesische regierung
gerade die wirkungsvollsten maßnahmen ergriffen und alles ist unter kontrolle.
Bis jetzt war das leben in großen teilen chinas normal, und nur wenige städte
wie wuhan Waren davon betroffen. Ich glaube, dass sich alles sehr schnell
normalisieren wird. Ich danke ihnen für ihre aufmerksamkeit!
俄语:Что касается новой корональной инфекции, то китайское правительство в
настоящее время принимает самые мощные меры, и все под контролем. До сих пор
жизнь в большей части китая была нормальной, и только несколько городов, таких
как вухан, были затронуты. Я уверена, что все скоро вернется в норму. Спасибо за
孟加拉语: সংক্রমণের বিষয়ে, চীন সরকার বর্তমানে সবচেয়ে কার্যকর ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ
করছে এবং সবকিছু নিয়ন্ত্রণে রয়েছে। এখনও অবধি চীনের বেশিরভাগ অঞ্চলে জীবন
স্বাভাবিক ছিল, ওহানের মতো কয়েকটি শহরই ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হয়েছিল। আমি বিশ্বাস করি খুব
শীঘ্রই সবকিছু স্বাভাবিক হয়ে উঠবে। আপনার মনোযোগের জন্য ধন্যবাদ!
葡萄牙语:No que se refere à nova infecção por coronavirus, o governo chinês
está agora a tomar as medidas mais enérgicas e tudo está sob controlo. Até
agora, a vida tem sido normal em grande parte da china, e apenas algumas
cidades, como wuhan, foram afetadas. Estou certo de que tudo voltará ao normal
em breve. Obrigado pela sua atenção!
印尼语:Mengenai infeksi virus tipe baru, pemerintah cina mengambil langkah
paling kuat, dan semuanya terkendali. Sejauh ini, sebagian besar warga cina
normal, hanya kota-kota kecil seperti wuhan yang terkena dampaknya. Aku yakin
semuanya akan segera normal kembali. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya!
西班牙语:En cuanto a la nueva infección coronaviral, el gobierno chino está
tomando las medidas más enérgicas y todo está bajo control. Hasta ahora, la vida
ha sido normal en gran parte de China, y sólo UN puñado de ciudades, como wuhan,
se han visto afectadas. Estoy seguro de que pronto todo volverá a la normalidad.
Gracias por su atención!
韩语:신형 코로나 바이러스의 감염과 관련해 중국 정부는 현재 가장 강력한 조치를 취하고 있으며 모든 것을 통제하고 있다.지금까지 중국
대부분 지역의 생활은 정상적이었다. 우한과 같은 소수 도시만 영향을 받았다.나는 모든 것이 곧 정상으로 회복될 것이라고 믿는다.관심을 가져주셔서