6.6日 提交资料申诉
6.8日 回复申诉失败
6.9 日 再次提交申诉
6.10日 第二次申诉失败 亚马逊通知不再回复
6.14日 资料重新准备提交申诉信
7.4日 换模板重新提交申诉信
7.5日 换模板重新提交申诉信
7.17日 亚马逊回复邮件,告知我为何没通过,是因为信用卡问题
7.18日回复绩效团队 信用卡已经更新
7.31日 回复已经可以正常销售
6.6 提交资料申诉
6.8 回复申诉失败
6.9 再次提交申诉
Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team
Thank you for your patience.
I want to re-apply for Amazon's second-instance information, because the
previous credit card led to the second trial. I had previously had a chance to
complain because I didn’t understand it. This led to the incomplete preparation
of our materials. Pleading can give us a chance. Thank you! Begging for a