1:需要一个 Facebook Page
2:创建 Landing Page 然后使用 Facebook Pixel
4:从 Facebook 广告引流到 Landing Page 里面
5:跟踪那些客户提取了优惠码(需要用Facebook Pixel)
创建landing Page,下面事英文说明书
Create a Landing Page for Your Product (one click with My Seller Pal)
Loginto My Seller Pal, enter your ASIN, click create page and boom you have a landing page.
Then out pops your landing page.
Step 3: Create a Promotion 创建Promotion
Within Amazon, create either asingle usecoupon code promotion or a group code promotion.
Another post will detail creating promotions, but for thisexampleI’ll show adding a batch ofsingle usecoupon codes.
In My Seller Pal:
Go to promotions
Select the landing page you just created
Select “instant opt-in” – this will give code with no email
Step 3: Create a Promotion 创建Promotion
Within Amazon, create either asingle usecoupon code promotion or a group code promotion.
Another post will detail creating promotions, but for thisexampleI’ll show adding a batch ofsingle usecoupon codes.
In My Seller Pal:
Go to promotions
Select the landing page you just created
Select “instant opt-in” – this will give code with no email
Now enable the promotion, insert yoursingle usecodes, click import codes and update your promotion.
添加Facebook Retargeting Pixel 到 Landing Page
Step 4: Add Facebook retargeting pixel to your landing page and the promotionthankyou page.
FromFaceboookfind “setup pixel”, copy it.
Step 5: Protect your inventory
My Seller Pal does not limit your inventory, you will need to take a few steps to protect yourself.
I recommend using an FBA fulfillment order placed on hold and setting a max order quantity on each variation in your listing to further limit order quantity per order. Multiple levels of protection. And not shipping all your stuff in during launch. I still have sellers thinking that single-use codes protect them – they do not protect against large orders on a single checkout!
使用Facebook 广告引流
Step 6: Create Facebook Ad Driving traffic to your landing page URL
OnFacebookyou will create an Ad targeting an audience that is likely to love your product.
I’m going to copy my Facebook Ads from my original Medium article that targeted mud runners and used a carousel ad. This format and targeting including people who like Amazon.com hasworked well.
我们创建promotion的时候有一个Button可以写:Write your email,然后客户可以提取优惠码,然后我们直接有客户的邮件,然后通过平台我们可以提取客户的邮件,然后直接沟通!
我们创建promotion的时候有一个Button可以写:Write your email,然后客户可以提取优惠码,然后我们直接有客户的邮件,然后通过平台我们可以提取客户的邮件,然后直接沟通!